Beautiful woman wearing gray top


Acne can be a very troublesome condition that affects men and women of all ages. The first step is to identify potential causes and classify the type of acne you are suffering from. Then we will work with you in creating a plan using a combination of over-the-counter and prescription medicines. In severe cases, oral isotretinoin may be used. We also offer in-office treatments to complement your regimen. These include chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and blue light photodynamic therapy.

Warts remove


Warts are caused by the HPV virus and can spread quickly, causing painful bumps on the hands, feet, or body. We offer the standard treatments, including liquid nitrogen cryosurgery and newer alternatives (candida injections, bleomycin injections, and Intense Pulse Light treatments). We often complement in-office procedures with at-home treatments of over-the-counter or prescription medicines.

Eczema on a neck


The incidence of eczema/atopic dermatitis continues to rise and causes significant discomfort and sleepless nights. We will work with you to get a good skin care regimen to protect and hydrate the skin. Resistant cases may require antibiotics, bleach baths, contact allergy testing, and phototherapy.

Psoriasis on forearms


Dr. Singri spent much of his focus at Northwestern treating moderate to severe psoriasis patients. He spent 2 years before his residency researching cutting-edge therapies, many of which are now available on the market today. We will create a regimen for your psoriasis that may include topicals, narrow-band UVB phototherapy, excimer laser, or systemic medications. We do perform clinical trials testing new medications in the office. These can be an excellent choice for those who have failed past treatments.

Doctor examining for Skin cancer

Skin Cancer

There are over 1 million cases a year of skin cancer. One in 5 people will develop skin cancer. One in 40 will develop melanoma. We perform full-body exams evaluating your moles with polarized and immersion dermoscopy. This allows us to find skin cancer at earlier stages. If needed, biopsies can be done on the same day. Treatment options vary from in-office excisions, prescription topical therapy, or coordinated care with a nearby Mohs surgeon.

Vitiligo on a woman's back


Vitiligo is a disorder in which the pigment is lost from the skin. This can lead to significant social and emotional problems. We will use a combination of prescription topical and ultraviolet (narrowband and excimer laser) therapies to help the pigment return.

Massaging woman

Inflammatory and autoimmune skin disorders

We specialize in treating rare, severe skin disorders, including lichen planus, pemphigus, pemphigoid, and erythroderma. These debilitating diseases need aggressive therapy using a variety of systemic treatments.

Finding the right dermatological care has never been easier. Whether you’re seeking a local dermatologist here in Schaumburg, a dermatologist in Hoffman Estates, a dermatologist in Arlington Heights, or a dermatologist in Elk Grove Village, our experienced team is here to help.

For families, we also provide compassionate care for children. Visit a trusted pediatric dermatologist in Schaumburg or a pediatric dermatologist in Arlington Heights for specialized treatment.